Awesome Autumn Performance Scent Dogs Trials


Thank you for entering See Spot Grin’s inaugural Performance Scent Dogs trial! The trial is being held at Breakaway Action Dogs in Frederick Maryland on Saturday, September 28 & Sunday, September 29, 2019. We’re looking forward to seeing you all again!

Please check your entries on your dashboard at the Performance Scent Dogs website and let us know if you need to make any changes.

We do have a room for a few more entries on Saturday only and will be accepting day of entries at check-in so tell your friends! First come, first served.

Read the Rules

We’re counting on you to help our trial run smoothing and efficiently. Please take time to read the Performance Scent Dogs Rule Book prior to your arrival, and bring a copy with you to refer to in case you have any rules related questions while you’re at the trial. We’re happy to help you learn the ropes but please understand that pausing the trial to answer questions for which there is a reference in the rule book will slow down the entire trial day. For peak performance it’s also good practice to have an understanding of what to expect before you arrive.

Dog Policy & Crating

Dogs who have mild space issues with other dogs or humans are welcome to participate since only one dog is in the search area at a time. Scent work is a great activity for reactive dogs but not all dogs can successfully navigate the additional, and sometimes unpredictable, stressors present at a trial. Dogs must be able to potentially wait in an area with other dogs and be in other situations where they are within 4 to 8 feet of other dogs and people. There is a distinction between reactive and aggressive dogs. Dogs who are aggressive to people or other dogs are not permitted at PSD trials. Competitors are encouraged to place a red bandana conspicuously on dogs with space issues to help others remember to ask before touching and to keep their dog’s attention while a red bandana dog walks by. Red bandanas will be available at check in.

Limited indoor crating will be available for quiet dogs, as searches will be going on in the same building on the other side of visual barriers. Please plan to consolidate the gear in your crating space so that we can accommodate as many dogs as possible. If your dog is more comfortable crating in your vehicle, please consider doing so. Do be sure you have what you need to keep your dogs cool and hydrated. Be aware cars will NOT be allowed to idle in order to run their air conditioning. Be prepared to roll down windows and/or equipped with adequate vehicle shades/crate fans, etc. for working out of your vehicle. Please be courteous to other exhibitors.

Saturday Trial Info

*running order subject to change

Sunday Trial Info

*running order subject to change

Move Ups

Need to move up to a new level - Novice to Advanced or Standard to Metallic? Please send an email requesting your move up ASAP. Move ups will be accepted before and during the trials.

Ribbons & Special Awards

Qualifying ribbons will be self serve. If you don’t qualify in a class, be sure to pick a toy for your dog from our bin!

Placement and title ribbons will be handed out at the end of each level (Novice, Advanced and Excellent). See running order document for more information.


If you’ve offered to volunteer at our trial, THANK YOU!! We wouldn’t be able to offer these trials without your help. We will finalize volunteer assignments closer to the time of the trial and let everyone know on Saturday where they're needed.

There’s still time to volunteer! Do keep in mind that you can volunteer in a class you’re entered in. We’ll just put you at the top of the running order so you can run your dog before you volunteer. Please contact Megan Keister if you’re available to help.

Professional Photographer

We do not have a professional photographer for this trial.

Our Pot Luck

Many thanks to those have already committed to contributing to our potluck lunch. If any additional folks are interested in participating we could still use a few items - beverages (iced tea, juice, sparkling water, soda), desserts, potato/pasta salad, chips and dip/salsa swag/guacamole, donuts/donut holes. If you're interested in bringing any of these, or other items let Megan Keister know.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Cindy Knowlton
Cell: 301-873-3041