Review of Important Concepts

Very impressed with your dogs' skills this week!  Most didn't blink with the new distractions.  Keep up the great work with your happy dogs!

As we begin moving the hides out of boxes, we need to be especially sure that we are keeping the hides realistic and within the dog's ability while keeping up with good habits to insure a solid foundation.

  • Remember to be quiet until you are feeding at the source.

  • Keep asking yourself how the dog tells you when he's found the hide. What does it look like?

  • Start thinking about what your dog looks like when he's on to something -- before he gets to source. This is the number one reason people don't pass various elements in competition.

  • Stay in one place if the dog is willing to search without you (so the dog isn't distracted by your movement.)

  • Help the search, not the dog.

  • Have a "Plan B" in case a search goes badly. (Don't move the hide. Use the environment to help.)

  • Don't stand near the odor box.

Lesson Review

In case you missed class or would like to review, here’s the link to what we did this week.

Week Three Homework

  • Continue box work and environmental objects, with several hides outside the boxes.

  • When hiding in boxes, work toward having the box completely closed.

  • Add elevation outside of boxes. (No higher than the dog's nose.)

  • Try to work in as many new locations as possible. This becomes even more critical if you're considering an upcoming ORT. Don't expect the dog to handle a new location under the stress of an ORT if you haven't trained in new places. Remember to simplify the search (back to boxes) whenever you go to a new place.

  • Begin extra reinforcement at source: Feed when your dog finds source. Pull your hand back just enough to keep your dog close to source, wait for them to return to source, and feed again. Go for three repetitions per find. It's important not to lure them back to source. Give them the freedom to make the choice for more reward. If they move on rather than choosing to return to source, let them. They just don't get rewarded for it.

  • Begin adding distractions, but NOT food or toys. Acceptable distractions include leashes, collars, water bowls, or anything that has your dog's smell on it that might peak curiosity but not stress them.

  • No grassy,outdoor areas, but do continue practicing on pavement.

  • Be able to identify and describe your dog's change in behavior as it approaches and gets to odor

  • Bring one or two environmental objects that we can use during our searches in class next week.

Wag It! Games Sniff It

Hope you enjoyed trying out Wag It! Games Sniff It in class. Interested in learning more? Click here for more info, including a listing of our upcoming Sniff It competition dates at See Spot Grin.

Register Now for Continuing Nose Work Class

Having fun with odor and want to continue with the Continuing Nose Work class?  Check with Cindy to see what days and times are available, book your spot with her, and then pay here.  The class is ongoing, but broken into six week intervals.