Order Your Odor Kit
Order your odor kit from K9NW Source. Choose the Birch Kit with Snap Tight Storage Box. Once it arrives, review this mini course to remind you what we did in class this week. (You’ll need to register with Thinkific first.)
Review of Important Concepts
Below is a list of the important concepts discussed in class. Be aware of them when you're working with your dog at home this week.
On Handling Odor
Always use tweezers or wear rubber gloves when transferring Qtips or working with oil.
Dispose of any trash the oils have touched in a location your dog won't continue to smell.
The Qtips your dog is working with should always be protected in a vented container to prevent contamination and consumption.
When you're finished training, return the Qtips to a sealed glass or metal container, and store the now empty vented container in its own sealed glass or metal container.
Use alcohol to clean anything the oil/Qtip has come in contact with.
On Training With Odor
Vary the number of Qtips your dog is searching for.
Always pair (food with odor)
Reward as close to the odor as physically possible.
Spend extra time letting your dog work at getting the cookies from the box to connect the odor with increased arousal.
Remove the odor from the dog, not the dog from the odor.
Week One Homework
Continue the work you've been doing with your dogs, but this time add the birch odor in a vented container to the food source.
Please don't ask your dog to search for odor only. Always pair with food on top, and always step in to reinforce with more food when your dog is at source.
Check out the videos below before your next class.
Do You Need a Long Line?
One of the requirements of Intro to Odor students is to handle their dogs using a long line (as opposed to a regular 6 foot leash.) Distance between you and your dog during on leash searches gives you much better perspective as you observe your dog's body language to indicate they're at source. No short leashes will be allowed while searching on lead. Palomine Lines offers a unique selection of custom long lines, at pretty reasonable prices. If you don't already have a long line, I highly recommend this brand. 12-15 feet in length is best for most dogs.
If you'd like to make your own, check out the DIY Long Line page, designed exclusively for See Spot Grin students.
Amtrak's Four Legged Security System Gets Rave Reviews
Here's an interesting article on how dogs are using their noses to keep us safe on the rails . . . .