November 2018
Welcome to See Spot Grin
Here's a shout out to all the teams of two and four leggers who recently started classes at See Spot Grin. Thanks for trusting us with your dogs. We're glad you're here!
Help us welcome them. If you see a new face, be sure to introduce yourself!
Parking at See Spot Grin
It’s our busy season at See Spot Grin. That means more vehicles coming and going. Please be considerate of folks who will arrive after your class so that they can navigate the lot and park their vehicles.
Season’s Greetings Photo Shoot
There's still time to register for November's photo shoot! See Spot Grin is excited to offer pet portrait sessions with professional photographer Cindy Knowlton, featuring a monthly theme to showcase your furry friend’s beauty and charm. Simply register and pay your sitting fee online, bring your dog at the time you selected, and then wait for an link to your downloadable images to arrive via email.* Let us capture your Spot grinning!
No additional fees apply. Only one well behaved dog per appointment. A sit or down stay is required. You’ll receive 5-10 images to use as you wish.
Happy Birthday to these Grinners!
We hope your birthday is as special as you are!
Quiz Carbaugh
Reznor Soffera
Gus Van Dersal
Ricochet D’Agati
November 1
November 11
November 23
November 27
Training Tips from Suzanne Clothier
What’s Your Dog’s Take? The what and where circuits in the brain. What makes a retriever who he is? What makes a shepherd who he is?
This is a small snippet from a recent seminar hosted by See Spot Grin, and is being shared exclusively with Grinners.
Suzanne is here for a seminar 11/3-11/4! You can still register here!
If you no longer wish to receive the See Spot Grin Newsletter please let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list.