April 2020

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Thank you from See Spot Grin

Every day, but especially during this challenging time, we’d like to extend our sincerest appreciation to all the Grinners and their colleagues who are out there on the front line, making sure our needs are taken care of. We hope you’re finding some time to take care of yourselves. Bless each and every one of you.

Challenging Times

You’ve all been in our hearts and minds during this challenging time, and we’re praying that you’re safe and healthy. It’s been wonderful to see your smiling faces in See Spot Grin’s online classes, and we’d love to connect with more of you. To that end, we’re excited to be offering Saturday Night Socials at 7pm on Zoom and hope that you’ll join us for some fun and games. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Take the weight of the world off your shoulders for a bit, grab your dog and your beverage of choice and join us!

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Happy Birthday to these Grinners!


We hope your birthday is as special as you are!

Jenga K

Magna L

Shadow M

Altai L

April 11

April 21

April 21

April 29

Nose Work Congrats

Lots of Grinners have been competing in nose work and racking up the titles lately! Check out their accomplishments and join me in congratulating them the next time you see them:

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Team Buttons WAG-SII, WAG-SIS


Team Vapour NW3

Team Karma NW3

Interested in what’s been happen in previous months? You’ll find the full list of Grinner accomplishments here.

Online Classes &
Private Consultations

While our private consultations are generally held in the classroom, Cindy is now available to meet you privately via Zoom with any of your behavior or training challenges. (No new clients please!)

Email Cindy if you’d like to schedule a private consultation online, or to enroll in our online nose work or CCC classes.

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