April 2019
Welcome to See Spot Grin
Here's a shout out to all the teams of two and four leggers who recently started classes at See Spot Grin. Thanks for trusting us with your dogs. We're glad you're here!
Help us welcome them. If you see a new face, be sure to introduce yourself!
Happy Birthday to these Grinners!
We hope your birthday is as special as you are!
Jenga K
Kona C
Grayson A
Gunther S
Magna L
April 11
April 15
April 18
April 18
April 21
Rules of Engagement
We appreciate your kindness and friendliness at See Spot Grin. It makes our place warm and inviting to the folks who attend our classes and events. Do keep in mind that many of our dogs aren’t particularly social, and can be easily thrown off guard and into anxiety by your advances. You can help by:
Not interacting with any dog unless you are invited to do so by their owner.
Staying off the ramp or steps If you see a dog entering or exiting the building.
Coming up behind a dog can easily overwhelm him. Please give all dogs a wide berth.
Avoiding eye contact, petting, or otherwise interacting with a dog who approaches you.
Thanks in advance for your efforts to keep all of our dogs feeling safe and supporting their owners.
A Treat Exchange
So many of you make such yummy treats for your dog that we thought you might be interested in starting a treat exchange.
Here’s how it works: The next time you make treats for your dog, make an extra sandwich bag full to bring to class, and swap it for one of the other home made treat bags in the classroom fridge. The more bags you bring, the more you can take. We do ask that you include the ingredients and recipe on one of our cards and add it to the bag. Not only will it be helpful for folks whose dogs are sensitive to certain foods, but you’ll have the recipe to make your own in the future.
Advanced CCC Classes
If you recently submitted a request for one of our advanced CCC classes, please be aware that it wasn’t received and has been lost in space due to a glitch with our website’s service provider. We’re pleased to report that the issue has been resolved, but you’ll need to resubmit your request.
Sniff It Congrats
We sure had a lot of fun at our six week Wag It! Games Sniff It competition league. A total of 170 qualifiers and 15 titles were earned in just six weeks! Ten of those titles belong to Grinners:
Team Xephyr
Team Wally
Team Riker
Team Bruce
Team June Bug
Team Mr. Darcy
We’re looking forward to more Sniff It fun later this year. Our next six week league begins September 20th, so mark your calendars and join us. If you’re already enrolled in a K9 Nose Work class, you’re ready to compete!
Maryland’s First Performance Scent Dogs Trial
Boy did we have a good time at Maryland’s first Performance Scent Dogs trial! See Spot Grin hosted and Breakaway Action Dogs provided a great location. Super fun searches, amazing support by all of our volunteers, lot of enthusiasm by two and four legged competitors and terrific weather all made for a pretty spectacular day. Thanks to all the Grinners who contributed to our pot luck and those who donated items to help the Georgia 38 at Mid Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue. (There’s still time to donate if you’d like to do so.) Special thanks all the Grinners stepped in to volunteer. We couldn’t do it without you!! Congrats to all the Grinners who came out the play with your dogs!
Mark your calendar for See Spot Grin’s next Performance Scent Dogs trial! We’ll be hosting again at Breakaway Action Dogs on June 16th. Registration is open. Not many spots left! Hope to see you there.
Summer Time Fun Photo Shoot
Saturday, May 11, 1:00-5:00pm
See Spot Grin is excited to offer pet portrait sessions with professional photographer Cindy Knowlton, featuring a monthly theme to showcase your furry friend’s beauty and charm. Simply register and pay your sitting fee online, bring your dog at the time you selected, and then wait for an link to your downloadable images to arrive via email.* Let us capture your Spot grinning!
$50. No additional fees apply. Only one well behaved dog per appointment. A sit or down stay is required. You’ll receive 5-10 images to use as you wish.
Canine Good Citizen Classes & Evaluations
Did you know that Cindy recently became a certified CGC evaluator? Now you can prep your dog for his CGC evaluation in our six week class or schedule a CGC test right at See Spot Grin.
Training Tips from Suzanne Clothier
Stress Responses. How does your dog respond to stress?
This is a small snippet from a recent seminar hosted by See Spot Grin, and is being shared exclusively with Grinners.
See Spot Grin will be hosting Suzanne this November for a two day seminar on her Relationship Assessment Tool. Registration is open!
Check out Suzanne’s recent web talk on relationship building with your dog at Pure Dog Talk.
Did you know that Suzanne now offers video rentals on Vimeo starting at only $7.95? Click on the photo below for details.
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